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Language? Shape? Flow?

We began by discussing the intersections of our fields: choreography, programming, linguistics, and visual art. We discussed the purposes of these fields, their similarities and differences, and spent time teaching each other about the fundamentals of each of our areas of expertise. By the end of our first semester together, we decided that virtual reality would be the best medium to present our concepts in.

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Maybe... AR/VR?

After deciding to work in virtual reality, several of our team members worked independently over the summer term to learn how to work in virtual reality. When we returned in the fall, after several weeks of prototyping and discussing, we chose to explore the physicality, cultural significance, and educational paradigms of Chinese calligraphy.


Final Ideation

With only a few months left, we turned all our efforts towards creating a presentable prototype of a virtual educational tool to teach Chinese calligraphy. In a browser-accessible virtual space, linked below, we sketched out some of the various components that our team had discussed.

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Linking to a new page!

See our final space here.



The Mozilla Hubs interface uses WASD and mouse controls to move. Click on the video files and explore the space.

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Watch an exploration of our virtual space.

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